the Moradas series of works is inspired by Teresa of Avila's books, and in particular by "The Interior Castle" written in 1577. Teresa
describes the castle that lies inside our hearts and is composed of seven rooms, the seven "moradas". Moving through them we can acquire
self-knowledge, love, and communion with the creative energy that pulses throughout the universe.
#1, Margherita Abbozzo, Moradas, 2004, olio su tela, 150 x 150cm
#2, Margherita Abbozzo, Moradas, 2004, olio su tela 140 x 140cm
#3, Margherita Abbozzo, Moradas, 2004, oil on canvas, 120 x 100
#4, Margherita Abbozzo, Moradas, 2005, inchiostro su carta - ink on paper 50 x 70cm
#5, Margherita Abbozzo, Moradas, 2005, inchiostro su carta - ink on paper 50 x 70cm
#6, Margherita Abbozzo, Moradas, 2005, 50 x 70cm, inchiostri su carta - inks on paper
#7, Margherita Abbozzo, Moradas, 2005, 40 x 40cm, oil on panel
#8, Margherita Abbozzo, Moradas, 2005 olio su tela - oil on canvas 150 x150 cm
#9, Margherita Abbozzo, Moradas, 2006, 40 x 40cm olio su legno - oil on panel
#10, Margherita Abbozzo, Moradas, 2006, 50 x 50 cm, inchiostri su legno - inks on panel
#11, Margherita Abbozzo, Moradas, 2007, 140 x 140 cm, mixed media su tela - mixed media on canvas
#12, Margherita Abbozzo, Moradas, 2007, 140 x 140 cm, mixed media su tela - mixed media on canvas
#13, Margherita Abbozzo, Moradas, 2008, 140 x 140cm, olio su tela - oil on canvas
#14, Margherita Abbozzo, Moradas, 2009, 150 x 150cm, olio su tela - oil oncanvas
#15, Margherita Abbozzo, Moradas (Santa Teresa on the beach), 2011, 100 x 150 cm, olio su tela - oil on canvas
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